Entries by David Town

Leadership & Character – Trust

Effective leadership requires character and trustworthiness. They are core components of good character. For individuals and organizations to be successful, they must find ways to measure character traits such as trustworthiness. This trait and other important character competencies can be incorporated into leadership training that emphasizes a philosophy of building a Personal Leadership Effectiveness Culture that reinforces CQ (Character Quotient). By embedding positive principles into the culture, an organization can know that building and nurturing trust is important to leaders at all levels and will increase their effectiveness and overall performance.

Important Business Leadership & Character Trait – Perseverance

The ability to “Stay the Course” and other important character competencies can be measured and emphasized as part of a philosophy of building a Personal Leadership Effectiveness Culture that emphasizes CQ (Character Quotient) as much as IQ and EQ.

Manage with Head, Heart and Good Character Principles

This groundbreaking research has solidified our notion that both head and heart are critical components in the skill set of an effective leader. However, what is now becoming apparent is that there is a third factor that is just as important as the first two. The third factor is character.

Leaders Embracing Change

Change is an everyday occurrence. You’ll find well-rounded leaders embracing change and having the ability to recognize the opportunities that change can bring and to “Realign Rigorously”. In order to do this, the leader needs to become a pro at innovation. And, that means never start with “it can’t be done.”

Strengthening Organizational Culture Improves Performance

There are many ways that a leader can nurture and reinforce organizational culture. First, he or she must ensure that the reward systems are consistent with the culture. Many organizations are adopting reward systems that account for both ‘what’ and ‘how’ employees achieve. “What” is the measurable results. “How” is the way that results were achieved. This is where character comes in. Organizations that nurture and reinforce a positive character in their organizational culture typically achieve better results.

Life – Maintaining Balance and Managing Commitments

In order to achieve personal leadership effectiveness, you need to find balance in all areas of your life – both personal and professional. This is achieved by taking moments throughout each day to reflect on what you are doing and see if it aligns with your priorities and your plan for the day, the week and beyond.

Clarity of Purpose Enables Decisive Action

When they asked employees to state what could be done to improve performance, the answer that tied for number one overall was “provide greater clarity about what the organization needs me to do and why”. People lose hope and become disengaged when they don’t have a sense of vision and purpose.

A Leader’s Character is Determined by their Actions

These attributes and others can be measured to provide individuals and groups with an understanding of their current level of competence in character-based skills. This self-awareness will then enable leaders to leverage their strengths and build on the attributes that require further development. Aristotle was quoted as saying: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” The key to building leadership character is to know which habits to focus on.

Qualities of Great Leaders – Self-Awareness & Positive Self Image

We are all value-centered (what we do is based on what we value). It is important to focus on the source of our values – the culture at large, our habits, our traditions or universal principles? Great leaders possess a clear set of positive character principles to augment their self-awareness and self-concept.

Focus on Solutions not Problems

One of the secrets to great leadership is the ability to move forward and the only way to move forward is to find solutions rather than focus on the problems. This is not to say that we should ignore problems or not spend time analyzing them. The key is to spend just enough time on a problem to learn from it and then focus on how to fix it.